Planning and Design Directorate


This Directorate is made up of three Departments, namely:

  1. Planning & Budget.
  2. Investigation & Design
  3. Hydrology.

The Planning Department is the planning arm of the Authority. Apart fiom the initiation and preparation of the Authority's long, medium and short term plans, covering (Strategic/rolling/perspective plans), monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports and programme of work, it is also responsible for research and statistics, budget preparation, budget control and budget appraisal reporting. In addition, the Department handles crops/properties enumeration and compensation as well as the Monitoring and Evaluation of all projects, programmes and revenue generating activities of the Authority.

The Department is also responsible for the provision of all Information Communication Technology (ICT) services in the Authority, including internet services. It involves the co-ordination and management of the Authority's Management Information System (MIS). It is also responsible for the acquisition of all ICT gadgets including Computer hardware, Software (systems, applications, customized and others) and all its peripherals. addition: it is in-charge of the National Water Resources Information System (NAWIS) South-West Zonal Centre for the collection, collation and eventually uploading of Water Resources data onto the NAWIS database at the Federal Ministry of Water Resources headquarters.

The Design Department is responsible for preparation and appraisals of feasibility studies, projects designs and Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA), preparation of estimates and tender documents, drawing of engineering plans preparation of maps and surveying. The Survey Unit is responsible for perimeter and topographical survey of all projects of the Authority. The Department also coordinates and oversees design
consultants on engineering and agricultural works.

This Department is responsible for hydro-meteorological data collection, climate change issues as well as laboratories operations. It carries out all investigation and preliminary activities on any project that is conceptualized. The Hydro-meteorological data collection Unit handles the collection, analysis and production /presentation of data for Engineering, Planning and Design purposes and Water Shed Management.

Executive Director


Hotline : +234

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