Executive Director, Engineering


Executive Director, Planning & Design

Mr. Babatunde ADU

Director, Finance and Administration

Mr. Noah ALAMU

Deputy Director, Agric. Services

The Management

The Management comprises the Managing Director, four Executive Directors and all Heads of Departments.  The Authority has four operational Directorates, each headed by an Executive Director who reports to the Managing Director, namely: Engineering Directorate; Planning and Design Directorate; Agricultural and Commercial Services Directorate; and the Finance and Administration Directorate.

Each of the Directorates has a number of Departments under them while the Managing Director’s Office is comprised of five Divisions whose Heads report directly to him.

The Directorates, Departments and Divisions in the Authority are as follows:

a)   Office of the Managing Director
During the year under review, the office of Managing Director is headed by Engr. (Dr.) Adedeji Ashiru, FNSE, who also serves as the Chief Executive Officer, oversees the following Divisions/ Units that report directly to him.

- Legal/Secretary to the Board: The Division handles all legal matters as they affect affairs of the Authority, while the Head of the Division also serves as Secretary to the Board.  It initiates, executes and advises on matters with reference to their legal implications and actions to be taken on cases involving the Authority.


- Internal Audit Division: The Internal Audit is responsible for ensuring that financial regulations and procedures are adhered to in financial transactions.  It carries out both the pre- and post-payment auditing of vouchers to ensure that each is in conformity with the financial standards and regulations.


- Procurement Division: The Division carries out the preparation of the annual procurement plan based on needs assessment, placing advertisements for tenders, organizing bids opening ceremonies and constituting committees for bids evaluation. The Unit also convenes the Procurement Planning Committee (PPC) and Parastatals Tenders Board (PTB) meetings to consider and approve recommendations for contract awards on the Managing Director’s directive.


In addition, it is responsible for the issuance of award letters and signing of contract agreements.

- Public Relations and Protocol Division: The Public Relations and Protocol Division serves as the Information arm of the Authority.  It initiates, coordinates and executes policies and programmes aimed at projecting the corporate image of the Authority through news releases, features writing, publication of magazines and journals, event management, liaising as well as through other Public Relations efforts and activities.  It also liaises with the Authority’s stakeholders to ensure cordiality, goodwill, understanding and cooperation between them and the Authority. The Division, in addition ensures good working relations between the staff and the Authority’s management and also arrange for VIPs protocol and passages during official visits.


- Liaison/State Offices: The Authority has three Offices located in Ikeja (Lagos), Ibadan (Oyo) and Osogbo (Osun) including a Liaison Office in Abuja.  The State Offices coordinate activities and oversee the interests of the Authority in their respective areas of coverage.

- Gender/Human Rights: The Division handles all activities concerning both women and men folks to uphold the gender equality and balance among various Departments/Divisions in the Authority.

b) Engineering Directorate

The Engineering Directorate is is headed by the Executive Director (Engineering), Engr. Babalola Olatunbosun Olatunji, FNSE and the Directorate comprises of the following Departments:

- Construction, Operation and Maintenance Department: The Department carries out/facilitates construction of all Authority’s projects such as dams, irrigation and water supply schemes, rural roads, and other civil works being undertaken either by Contractor or through in-house capabilities. The Department oversees the general operations and maintenance of all completed projects and schemes, as well as the operations and maintenance of vehicles, plants, machinery and equipment.


- Hydrogeology Department: This oversees the ground water resources development and borehole drilling activities of the Authority.  It also undertakes the consultancy, rehabilitation and maintenance of existing boreholes.

- Irrigation Department: Construction and installation of irrigation facilities is one of the major functions of the Authority including development and management of irrigation schemes within its area of coverage.

c) Planning and Design Directorate

The Directorate is headed by the Executive Director (Planning and Design) in the person of Engr. Azeez Adewale Adeoye FNSE. The Directorate is made up of the following Departments:

- Planning & Budget Department: The Planning and Budget Department is the think-tank of the Authority. Apart from the initiation and preparation of the Authority’s long, medium and short term plans (strategic/rolling/perspective plans), monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports and programme of work, it is also responsible for research and statistics, budget preparation, budgetary control and budget performance appraisal reporting.


In addition, the Department handles crops/properties enumeration and compensation as well as the monitoring and evaluation of all projects, programmes and revenue generating activities of the Authority.


- Investigation and Design Department: Investigation Department is responsible for surveying, hydro-meteorological data collection, and climate change issues as well as laboratories operations.  It carries out all investigations and preliminary activities on any project that is conceptualized.


The Survey Unit however is responsible for the perimeter and topographical        survey of all the Authority’s projects. The Hydro-meteorological data collection        Unit handles the collection, collation, analysis and production/presentation          of data for engineering, planning and design purposes.


The Design Department is responsible for preparation and appraisals of feasibility studies, projects designs and Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), preparation of estimates and tender documents, drawing of engineering plans and preparation of maps.  The Department also coordinates and oversees projects’ supervising consultants on engineering and agricultural works.

- ICT Department: The Department is responsible for the provision of all Information Communication Technology (ICT) services.  It also handles the acquisition of all ICT gadgets such as computer hardware, software (systems applications, customized and others) and all its peripherals.

d) Agricultural Services Directorate

The Agricultural Services Department is headed by Mr. Noah Alamu (Deputy Director, Agricultural Services Overseeing the Agricultural and Commercial Services Directorate).  The Directorate comprises of two main Departments namely:

- Agriculture Department:  Agriculture Department coordinates activities at the Authority’s farm and irrigation projects, such as: 

1.    Land clearing and development as well as tractorization services;

2.    Provision of farm inputs;

3.    Transfer of Irrigation Agronomy and Farming Techniques to the participating farmers;

4.    Mapping out strategies for projects management and stipulation of criteria for farmers’ selection;

5.    Agricultural Extension Services;

6.    Fisheries and Livestock

- Commercial Department: The Department coordinates the marketing and sales of Authority’s products and services as well as other revenue generating activities from the existing and potential resources as well as other properties/facilities. It oversees the activities of OORBDA Ventures Limited.

e) Finance and Administration Directorate

The Directorate is headed by Mr. Babatunde Adu, (The Director Finance Overseeing the Finance and Administration). The Directorate is made up of two main Departments:

- Finance & Accounts Department: This Department handles all the financial and accounting functions of the Authority especially in the area of Management Accounting, Financial Accounting and other related activities. 

- Administration Department: The Administration Department is responsible for the co-ordination of all staff matters.  The Department ensures that all rights and privileges of staff are taken care of while discipline and work ethics, among workers, are enforced. Prominent among the section/units in the Department are:

a. Establishment Matters

b. Registry (Personnel, Open and Confidential)

c. Pension and Gratuity

d. Appointment, Promotion and Discipline

e. Manpower Development and Training

f.  Staff Welfare

- Stores Management: The Stores Division is responsible for purchasing and supplies of all stores items. It is also in charge of the day-to-day management of all store items amongst others.