

With just three months in office as the Managing Director/CEO, Ogun-Oshun River Basin Development Authority (O-ORBDA), Engr. Dr. Adedeji Ashiru, (FNSE) has bagged the ON THE WHEEL achievement award of Distinguished Labour Support of the Ogun State Council of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC).


Ashiru, while receiving the award in his office at the Authority's headquarters in Abeokuta he said, " I am honoured to receive the 'Distinguished Labour Support Award' by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) In recognition of my commitment to the welfare and well-being of Authority's workers.


  " I acknowledge the tireless efforts of the NLC in championing the rights of workers, promoting social justice, and fostering industrial harmony. Their dedication to the cause of labour is truly commendable".


While speaking further, he said "I recognize the importance of collaboration and partnership between government, labour, and civil society. Together, we can create an environment that supports economic growth, social progress, and human development.


  " This award is not just a recognition of my efforts but also a reminder of the collective responsibility we share in promoting the interests of workers and advancing the cause of labour. I am proud to be part of this noble endeavour and look forward to our continued partnership".


  Ashiru further promised to continue working with the NLC and other stakeholders to address the challenges facing workers in Authority, including improved working conditions, fair compensation, and access to social services.


Earlier in his address, the Chairman Ogun State Council of NLC, Comrade Hameed Benco Ademola said the award was in recognition of the Managing Director's outstanding performance within the short time of assumption of office which he said had impacted on the work force of the Authority.


According to him, "I have always known you to be not just hardworking, dedicated and committed but one who  gives  back to all  environments and publics".


He expressed the hope that the renewed collaboration with the Authority would translate to visible and physical legacies.


On his part, the Branch Chairman of the Authority's workers union, Com.Taiwo Ajayi commended the Congress for the honour bestowed on the MD, saying, "it's a honour well deserved as the MD has shown himself as a worker friendly person by taking the welfare of staff as priority since his assumption of office".


 Ajayi, on behalf of his members pledged unalloyed support for the vision and mission of the MD towards taking the Authority to the next and enviable level.